dimecres, 30 de novembre del 2011
Walt Disney anniversary
The 5 December 2011 is the 110th anniversary of the birth of Walt Disney. did you know that Disney based his famous character Mickey Mouse on his pet mouse?
Maroon 5

dimecres, 16 de novembre del 2011
Gemma: A party was a great idea, Cristina
Cristina: Yes, thanks. I'm looking forward to do it.
Cristina: Well, we've got enough music, but there isn't much food.
Gemma: Shall I get few breads and hamburgers?
There's a shop near here.
Cristina: Would you mind?
Gemma: No, that's OK.
Cris: Thanks Gemma. Could you get some hot dogs too? And we need some frizzy drinks.
Gemma: Ok, no problem. I'll see what they've got.
Gemma: Shall I get few breads and hamburgers?
There's a shop near here.
Cristina: Would you mind?
Gemma: No, that's OK.
Cris: Thanks Gemma. Could you get some hot dogs too? And we need some frizzy drinks.
Gemma: Ok, no problem. I'll see what they've got.
dimecres, 9 de novembre del 2011
Sleepy Hollow
Headles: sense cap
Volíeu dir: solucionar
knight: cavaller
Escriviu text o una adreça d'un lloc web o bé traduïu un document.
Traducció català > anglès
Pale skin:
Dull: Avorrit
Loyal: Lleial
Stepmother: madrastra
Skull: crani
Murder: assassinat
Inheritance: herència
Ichabod Crane: was the inspector, who tried to solve the mysterious of the headless knight.
He had a black hair, pale skin, brown eyes. He was tall and sometimes was brave but often he was afraid.
Katrina Vas Tassel: She was the daughter of Sir Baltus Van tassel.
She was very beautiful and mysterious. He had a brown hair and long blond hair.
Lady Van Tassel: She was the wife of Baltus Van tassel and the stepmother of Katrina. she was selfish, two-faced and in the end of the film we can discovered the secret of the lady.
Headless horseman: he was the knight who killed a lot of people because he need recuperated his head.
On 1799, Inchabot Carne, a detective, he went to Sleppey Hollow, because he must solved a misterious of the headless knight.
Baltus Van Tassel explained to Incabot the murders of 3 people, who they didn't found the head.
On the film we can see a headless man who ride a horse and killed the people.
Inchabot and Jove Masbath, tried to slove the misterious of the knight. dimecres, 2 de novembre del 2011
Originally Halloween was a pagan festival, around the idea of linking the living with the dead, when contact became possible between the spirits and the physical world, and magical things were more likely to happen. Like most pagan festivals, long ago it was absorbed into the festivals of the expanding Christian church, and became associated with All Hallows Day, or All Saints Day, which eventually fell on November 1.
The celebration of Halloween survived most strongly in Ireland. It was an end of summer festival, and was often celebrated in each community with a bonfire to ward off the evil spirits. Children would go from door to door in disguise as creatures from the underworld to collect treats, mainly fruit, nuts and the like for the festivities. These were used for playing traditional games like eating an apple on a string or bobbing for apples and other gifts in a basin of water, without using your hands. Salt might be sprinkled on the visiting children to ward off evil spirits. Carving turnips as ghoulish faces to hold candles became a popular part of the festival, which has been adapted to carving pumpkins in America.
The day is often associated with the colours black and orange, and is strongly associated with symbols like the jack-o'-lantern. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes and attending costume parties, ghost tours, bonfires, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.
in your blogs...
WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT HALLOWEEN?It's a funny holiday about spirits, ghost, witch.... They celebrated on October 31. When and where is it celebrated?it's celebrated on 31th of October in UK and USA.
Is it a religious celebration?No, it isn't
What does the word 'Halloween' mean?The name Halloween is a contraction of All Hallows Even, meaning the day before All Hallows Day, a Catholic holiday commemorating Christian saints and martyrs observed since the early Middle Ages on November 1.
Name 2 typical games
-Dunking or apple bobbing which apples float in a tub or a large basin of water and the participants must use their teeth to remove an apple from the basin. A variant of dunking involves kneeling on a chair, holding a fork between the teeth and trying to drop the fork into an apple.
-Skeleton Scavenger Hunt Have kids roam the yard or the house on the hunt for skeleton parts (cut from paper, or plastic ones purchased from a toy store or craft shop). For an extra challenge, see if the party guests can reassemble their bony treasures into a complete skeleton set.
When did it become a dangerous celebration?Why?The celebration of Halloween survived most strongly in Ireland. It was an end of summer festival, and was often celebrated in each community with a bonfire to ward off the evil spirits.
how do people celebrate it today?Children go in costume from house to house, asking for treats such as candy or sometimes money, with the question, "Trick or treat?" The word "trick" refers to a (mostly idle) "threat" to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given. In some parts of Scotland children still go guising. In this custom the child performs some sort of trick, i.e. sings a song or tells a ghost story, to earn their treats.
dimecres, 26 d’octubre del 2011
What would yo do if yo saw your image as a child on a website for missing persons? Well tha'ts what happens to Nathan Prince (Taylor Lautner) in this action film. Soon Nathan's biggest fears come true: his parents are not his real parents, and his life has been fabricated to hide a mysterious and dangerous secret. But what is it?

TV highlights
The highlight of this week's TV was definitley the view programmer shown "El Convidat". The guest was Bojan Krkic. He showed his home, Roma and he was talking about his feelings because he lives lonly in Italy.
On channel 3 another view programmer "El Hormiguero". The guest was Taylor Lauther. the actor of Twilight. He talked about his new film "Sin salida", and the new part of Twilight. he also did an exeriment. It was really funny.
Finally, something which also caught my eyes was a soap opera called "El Barco". it's about one boat which is lonley in the world and the persons who are in the boat must fend for themselves to survive. it was an interesting story.
On channel 3 another view programmer "El Hormiguero". The guest was Taylor Lauther. the actor of Twilight. He talked about his new film "Sin salida", and the new part of Twilight. he also did an exeriment. It was really funny.
Finally, something which also caught my eyes was a soap opera called "El Barco". it's about one boat which is lonley in the world and the persons who are in the boat must fend for themselves to survive. it was an interesting story.
Talk about TV programmes
Cris: Hi Gemma. Did you go out las night?
Gemma: No, I stayed in and watched TV .
Cris: Oh? What was on?
Gemma: That a interview with Bojan on Channel 3.
Cris: Oh, yes? Was it any good?
Gemma: Yes it was very interesting. He showed his home and talked about his felling. Didn't you see it?
Cris: No I missed it. I was talking with JB.
Gemma: You should to watch it next time. It's really good.
Cris: OK, then, I will.
Gemma: No, I stayed in and watched TV .
Cris: Oh? What was on?
Gemma: That a interview with Bojan on Channel 3.
Cris: Oh, yes? Was it any good?
Gemma: Yes it was very interesting. He showed his home and talked about his felling. Didn't you see it?
Cris: No I missed it. I was talking with JB.
Gemma: You should to watch it next time. It's really good.
Cris: OK, then, I will.
dimecres, 19 d’octubre del 2011
My best friend
Clàudia and I are friends. Clàudia lives far from me, but we live in the same town. She lives in a modern house. We go to the same school and the same class.
Clàudia is 14 years old. She is shameful, friendly, responsible, tall and she's got long blond hair. The good things about her is that she's funny, I can talk a lot of things with her and she keeps my secret, although she can also be stubborn, sometimes, and she isn't very athletic.
Clàudia is funniest and happiest when she's chatting, joking or meeting friends. She likes going out and meeting other people. In our town there's a lake and we often go walking around there. she also like shopping, and sometimes we go together.
Clàudia is 14 years old. She is shameful, friendly, responsible, tall and she's got long blond hair. The good things about her is that she's funny, I can talk a lot of things with her and she keeps my secret, although she can also be stubborn, sometimes, and she isn't very athletic.
Clàudia is funniest and happiest when she's chatting, joking or meeting friends. She likes going out and meeting other people. In our town there's a lake and we often go walking around there. she also like shopping, and sometimes we go together.
dimecres, 5 d’octubre del 2011
- Did you use any resources?
Yes, I used a power point with images.
Yes, I used a power point with images.
- Were the resources relevant and attractive?
Yes, i think so, because with images, videos or music the presentation is more interesting.
- Did you look at your audience most of the time?
No, i dien't but the most of the time yes.
No, i dien't but the most of the time yes.
- Did you read from your notes?
Not much, but a little bit.
Not much, but a little bit.
- Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
Yes i did. I showed the images.
Yes i did. I showed the images.
- Did you organize your ideas in order of importance?
Yes, i did. First I explain the first thing I did in the summer.
Yes, i did. First I explain the first thing I did in the summer.
- Did you use discourse markers to to make your ideas more clear?
Yes, i did. I used: first, then, finally, in conclusion...
Yes, i did. I used: first, then, finally, in conclusion...
Did you introduce interesting NEW information to your audience?
Yes, i think, because I explain what i did in the summer
Yes, i think, because I explain what i did in the summer
- Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the internet, books..?
No, i didn't. Because i know what i did in my last summer
- Did you check your grammar?
Yes, i think so. But sometimes I made a mistake
- Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary?Yes, i think so. But sometimes I made a mistake
Yes, I try.
- Did you use sentence linkers?
Yes, i did.
- Did you use fillers?
Not much. But somtimes i used.
Often yes, but sometimes i made a mistake.
- Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher?
No, I didn't.
- Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time?Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
No, I didn't my tone it was every the same.
Now I'm going to explain my last summer holidays
I went to Poole (England) an about 3 weeks with a lovelly family.
In the morning in Poole I going to English classes with another's 5 friends: Ivet, Cristina, Núria, Elena and Mireia. We practiced a lot of English and we spend a great and funny time.
In the afternoon we visited a lot of places: Bornemouth, Corfe Castle, Portsmouth, London, Lawrence of Arabia house, SplashDown, Bath...
In Bornemouth and London we went shopping, but in London we also visited the town, in Portsmuth we visited a old boat and also we went shopping.
Corfe Caste is an old castel and there we wore a mediaval dresses.
When we finished the visits we went to our English families.
This 3 weeks in England were a very good experience and i will never forget it.
I stayed in St.Antoni with Clàudia an about 1 week.
Every morning we went to the beach and we were sunbathing, swimming or playing cards.
In the afternoon we went to shopping to Platja D'aro or walked in Palamós
In St.Antoni I rest a lot and I spend a fantastic week.
When I arrived to my home, I prepared all for school, I finished my summer homework and of course I met friends.
This holidays I've had a great time with my friends and my family, it was a very good summer and i learnt a lot of English.
Cristina Comalat: First she stayed in Poole (England) with a nice family. She practiced a lot of english and she spend a great time.
Second she went to Torrevalentina with her family and friends.
Finally she visited Singapore and Bali with her family.
This presentation i think it was very interesting but one moment she laughed.
Júlia Masó: She stayed in England, a town near Oxford with her friend Cristina.
Then she went to St.Antoni with her best friend Aina. They met a famous actor Mikel Iglesias.
After that she stayed in her house with Aina again. Then she went to Platja D'Aro with Cristina and finally she visited marrakeix with Carla, but she didn't like a lot.
She stayed in England, in Dover with another girls of differents countries.
Then she visited marrakeix with Júlia.
She stayed 3 weeks in Poole with a nice family. Then she went to Roses, St.Antoni and Platja D'Aro. And finally visited her family in Holland.
She stayed 3 weeks in Poole in the same family of Clàudia. Then she visited Keny with her family and Elena's family, she spend a great time
dimecres, 21 de setembre del 2011
Identify and find out about the dialogue
Gemma:Who are you looking at, Cristina?
Cris: Oh, hi Gemma. Who that handsome boy over there?
Gemma: Who? the boy with a red hat?
Cris: No, the guy with a Superman's t-shirt. He's drinking a cooke.
Gemma: Oh, yes. What about him?
Cris: Does he go to our sport center?
Gemma: Yes, that's Austin Mahone. He's 15. Why?
Cris: He looks friendly. He's got a nice face.
Gemma: Yes, I'm agree with you and also he has a pretty face.
Cris: JAJA We're crazy, let's go to the sports center.
Gemma: Come on!
Cris: Oh, hi Gemma. Who that handsome boy over there?
Gemma: Who? the boy with a red hat?
Cris: No, the guy with a Superman's t-shirt. He's drinking a cooke.
Gemma: Oh, yes. What about him?
Cris: Does he go to our sport center?
Gemma: Yes, that's Austin Mahone. He's 15. Why?
Cris: He looks friendly. He's got a nice face.
Gemma: Yes, I'm agree with you and also he has a pretty face.
Cris: JAJA We're crazy, let's go to the sports center.
Gemma: Come on!
dijous, 9 de juny del 2011
Global Warming. Panic or reality?
1. What is global warming?
It's the current rise in the average temperature of Earth's oceans and atmosphere.
2. What is the process involved in the greenhouse effect?
It's the warming that happens when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat. These gases let in light but keep heat from escaping, like the glass walls of a greenhouse.
3. What signs warn us about global warming?
In the Artic there aren't much glaciers and the temperature change and became hot because there aren't many capes in the atmosphere.
4. Can you quote another term for global warming?
Another terms for global warming are across the globe, melting glaciers,the earlier onset of spring and deforestation.
5. Watch the video and explain this idea: Global warming: panic or reality?
It's reality because there some many science that demonstrate us thats true. And it's panic because we are destructing the planet and we can delete it.
What can we do to stop global warming? Suggest five ideas.
-We can use more the public transport.
-Recycle all we can.
-Turn off the light when it's sunny.
-We have a shower, don't have a bath.
- We stopped the computers, television and another's electric devices.
By: Clàudia and Gemma !!! <33
It's the current rise in the average temperature of Earth's oceans and atmosphere.
2. What is the process involved in the greenhouse effect?
It's the warming that happens when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat. These gases let in light but keep heat from escaping, like the glass walls of a greenhouse.
3. What signs warn us about global warming?
In the Artic there aren't much glaciers and the temperature change and became hot because there aren't many capes in the atmosphere.
4. Can you quote another term for global warming?
Another terms for global warming are across the globe, melting glaciers,the earlier onset of spring and deforestation.
5. Watch the video and explain this idea: Global warming: panic or reality?
It's reality because there some many science that demonstrate us thats true. And it's panic because we are destructing the planet and we can delete it.
What can we do to stop global warming? Suggest five ideas.
-We can use more the public transport.
-Recycle all we can.
-Turn off the light when it's sunny.
-We have a shower, don't have a bath.
- We stopped the computers, television and another's electric devices.
By: Clàudia and Gemma !!! <33
dissabte, 4 de juny del 2011
I'd like recommend that film because all the people know who is Robin Hood. The personal values of Robin are those that we should have. He demmostrated us that we must fight for that you want.
The name of this film is Robin Hood, prince of thieves.That film is directed by Kevin Reynolds and the writers are Pen Densham and John Watson. The setting was in the U.S.A. : It's about adventures that the principal character fight for the freedom with the outlaws. The main characters are Robin, Azeem, Marian, Sherrif of Nottingham, the King John, ...
The things We liked most are the wedding between Robin Hood and Marian, we like because is a romantic moment and it's the end of the film. The other moment we like is the fight between Robin and Sherif of Nottingham. This scene is very exiting because we want know who winns the fights.
By: Clàudia and Gemma
The name of this film is Robin Hood, prince of thieves.That film is directed by Kevin Reynolds and the writers are Pen Densham and John Watson. The setting was in the U.S.A. : It's about adventures that the principal character fight for the freedom with the outlaws. The main characters are Robin, Azeem, Marian, Sherrif of Nottingham, the King John, ...
The things We liked most are the wedding between Robin Hood and Marian, we like because is a romantic moment and it's the end of the film. The other moment we like is the fight between Robin and Sherif of Nottingham. This scene is very exiting because we want know who winns the fights.
By: Clàudia and Gemma
dijous, 2 de juny del 2011
Robin Hood
Robin Hood Robin of Locksley, an English nobleman who joined Richard the Lionheart in the Third Crusade, is imprisoned in Jerusalem along with his comrade Peter. Robin escapes, saving the life of a Moor named Azeem in the process. Peter dies while escaping and has Robin swear to protect his sister Marian. Robin returns to England with Azeem, who vows to accompany Robin until the debt of saving his life is repaid.
1. What were the crusades about?
It's about fights between cristians and Muslim. Because the cristians wants to got the lands of the muslims (Palestina).
2. How about the same period in Spain and Catalonia?
The Crisitans empire fight versus the muslim empire of Granada.
3. Where's Robin Hood at the beginning of the film?
First in the beginning of the film Robin imprisoned in the prision of Jerusalem.
4. Why is Azeem with Robin?
Because Robin helped Azeem to scape of prision and Azeem want to returned the please.
5. Where do Robin and Azeem go?
They go in the Sherwood forest in England.
6. Who are the outlaws? Where do they live?
Persons who are out of the law because they want be free. They live in the Sherwood forest.
7. What happened to Robin's father?
The Sheriff of Notthingam killed him.
8. Who's Lady Marian?
The cousin of the King Richard and at the end of the film she got married with Robin.
9. Why do Robin and Azeem join the outlaws?
Because they weren't agree with the King John.
10. Why do they fight against the Sheriff of Nottingham?
Because Sheriff was a bad and greedy person and he want to got married with Lady Marian.
Can you explain how the film ends?
Robin Hood killed the Sheriff of Nottingham and he got married with Marian. The King Richard returned from the crusades and went to the Sherwood Forest and saw the wedding.
1. What's the name of the book or film?
Robin Hood the prince of Thieves
5. Has it got a good plot or any memorable scenes?
When Robin Hood fight between the soldiers and Sheriff of Nottingham.
By: Clàudia and Gemma.
1. What were the crusades about?
It's about fights between cristians and Muslim. Because the cristians wants to got the lands of the muslims (Palestina).
2. How about the same period in Spain and Catalonia?
The Crisitans empire fight versus the muslim empire of Granada.
3. Where's Robin Hood at the beginning of the film?
First in the beginning of the film Robin imprisoned in the prision of Jerusalem.
4. Why is Azeem with Robin?
Because Robin helped Azeem to scape of prision and Azeem want to returned the please.
5. Where do Robin and Azeem go?
They go in the Sherwood forest in England.
6. Who are the outlaws? Where do they live?
Persons who are out of the law because they want be free. They live in the Sherwood forest.
7. What happened to Robin's father?
The Sheriff of Notthingam killed him.
8. Who's Lady Marian?
The cousin of the King Richard and at the end of the film she got married with Robin.
9. Why do Robin and Azeem join the outlaws?
Because they weren't agree with the King John.
10. Why do they fight against the Sheriff of Nottingham?
Because Sheriff was a bad and greedy person and he want to got married with Lady Marian.
Can you explain how the film ends?
Robin Hood killed the Sheriff of Nottingham and he got married with Marian. The King Richard returned from the crusades and went to the Sherwood Forest and saw the wedding.
1. What's the name of the book or film?
Robin Hood the prince of Thieves
2. Who wrote it/starred it and directed it?
It's directed by Kevin Reynold and the writers are Pen Densham and John Watson
It's directed by Kevin Reynold and the writers are Pen Densham and John Watson
3. What's the setting and who are the main characters?
The setting was U.S.A
Main characters:
Robin Hood-Kevin Costner, Azeem-Morgan Freeman, Marian-Mary Elisabeth Mastrantonio, Sheriff of Nottingham- Alan Rickman.
4. What did you like most about it
The wedding and the kis between Robin Hood and Marian
Main characters:
Robin Hood-Kevin Costner, Azeem-Morgan Freeman, Marian-Mary Elisabeth Mastrantonio, Sheriff of Nottingham- Alan Rickman.
4. What did you like most about it
The wedding and the kis between Robin Hood and Marian
5. Has it got a good plot or any memorable scenes?
When Robin Hood fight between the soldiers and Sheriff of Nottingham.
6. What did you think of it overall?
It's good film about aventures. Sometimes the film was very exiting because we want know who winns the fight for example. And all the time Robin struggle for the freedom.
It's good film about aventures. Sometimes the film was very exiting because we want know who winns the fight for example. And all the time Robin struggle for the freedom.
7. Would you recommend it? Why/not?
Yes, we recommended. Because this film demostrated us that you must fight for that you want.
Yes, we recommended. Because this film demostrated us that you must fight for that you want.
dimecres, 1 de juny del 2011
Write an email to an Internet forum
My name's Gemma Quintana I live in Banyoles in Catalonia. I like the area where I live, so want to improve it.
In my opinion there aren't any youth club. As a result, a lot of young people are around the streets. Also there is some litter in the streets and as a result there streets are very dirty.
I think the council should do something about this. I'm sure the twon council has some land wich local people can use for youth club.
My name's Gemma Quintana I live in Banyoles in Catalonia. I like the area where I live, so want to improve it.
In my opinion there aren't any youth club. As a result, a lot of young people are around the streets. Also there is some litter in the streets and as a result there streets are very dirty.
I think the council should do something about this. I'm sure the twon council has some land wich local people can use for youth club.
My self-avaluation Looking back
What's the best activity for me to improve?
I think it's the dialogues because I practise my pronunciation and I can listen me
What's my favourite activity? Why?
My favourite activity is magazine because i read the interestings and about celebrity neews.
Clàudia: Hey girls. What's going on here?
Cristina: We're trying to organize a disco.
Gemma: We want make a some money for the youth club.
Clàudia: Fantastic, that's cool. Can I do anything?
Gemma: Yes, there's a lot to do. We need some lights and CDs.
Cristina: Yeah, my brother's helping with that.
C and G: And I think we should make some invitation.
Clàudia: I can do that, if you want.
Gemma: Ok thanks, Clàudia.
Cristina: Then all we need is a great DJ.
Clàudia: You should phone ivet, she's a great DJ.
Gemma: Ok, thanks.
Cristina: We're trying to organize a disco.
Gemma: We want make a some money for the youth club.
Clàudia: Fantastic, that's cool. Can I do anything?
Gemma: Yes, there's a lot to do. We need some lights and CDs.
Cristina: Yeah, my brother's helping with that.
C and G: And I think we should make some invitation.
Clàudia: I can do that, if you want.
Gemma: Ok thanks, Clàudia.
Cristina: Then all we need is a great DJ.
Clàudia: You should phone ivet, she's a great DJ.
Gemma: Ok, thanks.
Beth: Gemma! Gemma! Can you hear me? I need some help!
Gemma: Beth? Where are you? What's happened?
Beth: I'm in the center of the sea and the boat it's broken. I was sailing when I was away to the coast.
Gemma: Are you OK? Can you sailing to the coast?
Beth: No, i think i've bruised my leg. i can't move it and it really hurts. What am I going th do?
Gemma: Don't panic! Let's phone the police
Beth: Ok, but hurry up! I don't know how long i can stand here.
Gemma: Ok, ok, quiet, don't worry I'm sure the police will come soon.
Beth: Gemmaa!!!
Gemma: What's happening?
Beth: A huge wave is approaching! Help!
Gemma: Beth? Where are you? What's happened?
Beth: I'm in the center of the sea and the boat it's broken. I was sailing when I was away to the coast.
Gemma: Are you OK? Can you sailing to the coast?
Beth: No, i think i've bruised my leg. i can't move it and it really hurts. What am I going th do?
Gemma: Don't panic! Let's phone the police
Beth: Ok, but hurry up! I don't know how long i can stand here.
Gemma: Ok, ok, quiet, don't worry I'm sure the police will come soon.
Beth: Gemmaa!!!
Gemma: What's happening?
Beth: A huge wave is approaching! Help!
dimecres, 18 de maig del 2011
I use the video, with pictures and a moments of the royal family.
I spend 5 minutes or more.
Sometimes looked the audience, and was nervous so I moved a lot.
I read a little.
I organize my ideas in a cronologich order. For to hold the attention of the audience I showed the moments of the videos.
The information is correct and detail with dates and interesting things.
The vocabulary and grammar are good.
I used the dictionary.
I made a mistakes. I didn't pronounce the word very well.
I spoke with interruptions
Hello we are Gemma and Cristina and this is our presentation about: THE ROYAL FAMILY. Especially in the last Royal Wedding 3 weeks ago, of William and Kate. The futures kings of England.
Sometimes learn about the history of another country can be bored, but it's more easy and funny to learn with videos, photos and funny moments of their life.
First we are going to talking about the royal family.
Second we are going to explain and talk about the parents fo William.
After when and where William and Kate met and their love story.
And finally the last Royal Wedding!
The British Royal Family is the group of close relatives of the monarch of the United Kingdom.
Now, the royal family belonging to Queen Elizabeth, her childrens, her grandchildrens and their partners.
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, she was born in 21 April of 1926 is the constitutional monarch of sixteen independent states. She is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
Her father was George IV, he was the second son of George V and her mother was Elizabeth Rowes-Lyon, she was came from the Scottish nobility. She had a sister, Princess Margaret.
On 9 July of 1947 announces, the engagement between Elizabeth and Philip Mountbatten. They married on November 20, of 1947 in Westminster Abbey.
On February 6, her father died and she was coroneted queen.
Elisabeth and Philip had 4 soons. 3 boys Prince Charles the successor, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward and 1 girl, Princess Anne.
A lot of people stayed in the streets in London of the they of the wedding of the Prince Charles and Lady Diana.
They married in St Paul's Cathedral on 29th July in 1981, it was watched for 750 million TV audience.
Charles was thirty-two years old of the word said it was a "fairytale wedding" and the "wedding of the century"!!
William and Harry:
One year later, was born Prince William the successor. He was born on 21th June of 1982.
After arrived the second son the Prince Harry, he was born on 15th Septembrer of 1984.
William is the thirdand Harry and fourth eldest grandchild of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.
Now William is 28 years old and Harry is 26 years old.
Prince Charles and Lady Diana diverce:
Between Prince Charles and Lady Di wasn't much love, the prince was older, and a lot of people sayed he love Camilla.
After 15 years together, they finally diverced on 28th August in 1996.
Lady Di was died:
In 31 of 1997, Lady Di died in a car accident in Paris.
With her also killed her boyfriend Dodi Al-Fayed.
The car was very fast because wanted leave to paparazis and also the driver was drunk.
There are rumors thay say the accident was caused, but never could prove.
They also say de Diana was pregnant.
Charles and Camila:
After the died of Diana, Charles got married with Camilla.
Love story:
Kate is not from the commode family, they parents became millionarie selling party accessories on the internet. And they were able to pay for Kate to go to the best British schools. She went to St. Andrew University where she could meet Prince William.
They lived toghether for eight years before they got married. Finally the prince ask to marry with her, in a trip in Africa.
On 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey in London Prince William and Kate Middelton got married.
The wedding was watching for two bilion people in all the world. The day of the wedding was a public holiday in United Kingdom.
Kate wore a white dress by British designer. William wore the uniform of his honoray rank of Coronel.
The cost of the wedding was reportedly 20 millions of pounds.
We think the Kate and William they have a true love. But Lady Di and Charles didn't love, only married for mony and to have succession on the throne. The kiss of Kate and William demostrated they love in all the world.
I use the video, with pictures and a moments of the royal family.
I spend 5 minutes or more.
Sometimes looked the audience, and was nervous so I moved a lot.
I read a little.
I organize my ideas in a cronologich order. For to hold the attention of the audience I showed the moments of the videos.
The information is correct and detail with dates and interesting things.
The vocabulary and grammar are good.
I used the dictionary.
I made a mistakes. I didn't pronounce the word very well.
I spoke with interruptions
Hello we are Gemma and Cristina and this is our presentation about: THE ROYAL FAMILY. Especially in the last Royal Wedding 3 weeks ago, of William and Kate. The futures kings of England.
Sometimes learn about the history of another country can be bored, but it's more easy and funny to learn with videos, photos and funny moments of their life.
First we are going to talking about the royal family.
Second we are going to explain and talk about the parents fo William.
After when and where William and Kate met and their love story.
And finally the last Royal Wedding!
The British Royal Family is the group of close relatives of the monarch of the United Kingdom.
Now, the royal family belonging to Queen Elizabeth, her childrens, her grandchildrens and their partners.
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, she was born in 21 April of 1926 is the constitutional monarch of sixteen independent states. She is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
Her father was George IV, he was the second son of George V and her mother was Elizabeth Rowes-Lyon, she was came from the Scottish nobility. She had a sister, Princess Margaret.
On 9 July of 1947 announces, the engagement between Elizabeth and Philip Mountbatten. They married on November 20, of 1947 in Westminster Abbey.
On February 6, her father died and she was coroneted queen.
Elisabeth and Philip had 4 soons. 3 boys Prince Charles the successor, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward and 1 girl, Princess Anne.
A lot of people stayed in the streets in London of the they of the wedding of the Prince Charles and Lady Diana.
They married in St Paul's Cathedral on 29th July in 1981, it was watched for 750 million TV audience.
Charles was thirty-two years old of the word said it was a "fairytale wedding" and the "wedding of the century"!!
William and Harry:
One year later, was born Prince William the successor. He was born on 21th June of 1982.
After arrived the second son the Prince Harry, he was born on 15th Septembrer of 1984.
William is the thirdand Harry and fourth eldest grandchild of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.
Now William is 28 years old and Harry is 26 years old.
Prince Charles and Lady Diana diverce:
Between Prince Charles and Lady Di wasn't much love, the prince was older, and a lot of people sayed he love Camilla.
After 15 years together, they finally diverced on 28th August in 1996.
Lady Di was died:
In 31 of 1997, Lady Di died in a car accident in Paris.
With her also killed her boyfriend Dodi Al-Fayed.
The car was very fast because wanted leave to paparazis and also the driver was drunk.
There are rumors thay say the accident was caused, but never could prove.
They also say de Diana was pregnant.
Charles and Camila:
After the died of Diana, Charles got married with Camilla.
Love story:
Kate is not from the commode family, they parents became millionarie selling party accessories on the internet. And they were able to pay for Kate to go to the best British schools. She went to St. Andrew University where she could meet Prince William.
They lived toghether for eight years before they got married. Finally the prince ask to marry with her, in a trip in Africa.
On 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey in London Prince William and Kate Middelton got married.
The wedding was watching for two bilion people in all the world. The day of the wedding was a public holiday in United Kingdom.
Kate wore a white dress by British designer. William wore the uniform of his honoray rank of Coronel.
The cost of the wedding was reportedly 20 millions of pounds.
We think the Kate and William they have a true love. But Lady Di and Charles didn't love, only married for mony and to have succession on the throne. The kiss of Kate and William demostrated they love in all the world.
dimecres, 27 d’abril del 2011
Robin Hood

a. Did Robin Hood really exist?
No, he didn't. It was a legend.
b. What was he famous for?
Robin Hood was famous because he took from the rich and gave to the poor. And created justice at a time when there was none
c. Where was he from?
He probable lived in Sherwood Forest.

d. Can you write a few lines about the story?
Robin Hood was a adventure story.
The Robin Hood was a strong, bolt, honest and friendly.
Roboin took from the rich and gave to the poor.
dimecres, 13 d’abril del 2011
Help when ther's a problem

Gemma: Cristina! What's happened? Are you Ok?
Cristina: No, I've broken my elbow
Gemma: You need to visit the school nurse
Cristina: Ok. Would you like to come with me, please
Gemma: Yes, of course, come on!
Clàudia: hi girls, can i help you?
Gemma: She felt dancing
Cristina: I think i've broken my elbow
Clàudia: Leet me se.... I'm going to clean it and put a bandadge. Mm... I've finish
Crsitina: oh, thanks. Now i'm feeling better.
Gemma: When will she dance again?
Clàudia:Next week will ok.
Gemma: ok, thanks
Cristina: Thanks
dimecres, 6 d’abril del 2011
Write a formal letter
Dear Sir or Madam.
I am the manager of a dancing club in Banyoles, Catalonia. The name of the club is "Banyoles balla". I am writing you because we are planning a big competition and we are looking for sponsors.
The competition will take place in September. Clubs and fans from 12 countries are going to be in Banyoles for this event. Each club will have to be prepared for a dance competition and the judges will choose the best dance. I think that itt will be good publicity for you company.
Please contact me if you areinterested in sponsoring. If your need a more information call me.
See you later.
Gemma Quintana
I am the manager of a dancing club in Banyoles, Catalonia. The name of the club is "Banyoles balla". I am writing you because we are planning a big competition and we are looking for sponsors.
The competition will take place in September. Clubs and fans from 12 countries are going to be in Banyoles for this event. Each club will have to be prepared for a dance competition and the judges will choose the best dance. I think that itt will be good publicity for you company.
Please contact me if you areinterested in sponsoring. If your need a more information call me.
See you later.
Gemma Quintana
dimecres, 30 de març del 2011
Musical baggage
What can you do with old suitcases*? Designer Dominic Odbert, aged 26, has found the answer:
he transforms them into portable. IPod speakers! Dominic buys old suitcases from antique shops to create his "BoomCases". He says they are popular because they are easy to carry... and they last longer than an Ipod.
he transforms them into portable. IPod speakers! Dominic buys old suitcases from antique shops to create his "BoomCases". He says they are popular because they are easy to carry... and they last longer than an Ipod.
dissabte, 26 de març del 2011
Talk about plans and arrangments
Gemma: Clàudia.... Cristina
Clàudia: Yes? Oh, hi Gemma
Gemma: Are you doing anything this evening?
Clàudia: I'm busy. I'm going to go to my best friends pary.
Gemma: That's ok. And you Cristina? Are you free?
Cristina: Yes, I'm free this evening. Why?
Gemma: because i'm going to the cinema.
Cristina: Yes great!!!!!! What time does it start?
Gemma: it's on at seven o'clock in the Banyoles cinema.
Cristina: ok. see you then! Bye?
Clàudia: Bye i'm going because i'm late
Gemma: Bye see you later!
Clàudia: Yes? Oh, hi Gemma
Gemma: Are you doing anything this evening?
Clàudia: I'm busy. I'm going to go to my best friends pary.
Gemma: That's ok. And you Cristina? Are you free?
Cristina: Yes, I'm free this evening. Why?
Gemma: because i'm going to the cinema.
Cristina: Yes great!!!!!! What time does it start?
Gemma: it's on at seven o'clock in the Banyoles cinema.
Cristina: ok. see you then! Bye?
Clàudia: Bye i'm going because i'm late
Gemma: Bye see you later!
dimecres, 16 de març del 2011
Yes, but sometimes i don't be atent.
Yes, i did.
The more difficult activity for me is speaking
I learn how to pronunce better the words and a write dialogues.
I need know a lot of verbs, but especialy vocabulary.
My favorite activity is magazine, because i learn a lot of differents things and vocabulary
The dialogues i don't like very much but i learn a lot the grammar and it's funny when I do the dialogues with the friends.
The workbook also I don't like but I use for the exam.
Yes, but sometimes i don't be atent.
Yes, i did.
The more difficult activity for me is speaking
I learn how to pronunce better the words and a write dialogues.
I need know a lot of verbs, but especialy vocabulary.
My favorite activity is magazine, because i learn a lot of differents things and vocabulary
The dialogues i don't like very much but i learn a lot the grammar and it's funny when I do the dialogues with the friends.
The workbook also I don't like but I use for the exam.
dimecres, 9 de febrer del 2011
Speak about probability and the future

Cristina: Hi girls. Can i ask you a questions? I'm doing a survey.
Gemma i Clàudia: Yes of course
Cristina: Right the question is, "How often do you go shopping"
Gemma: Not much, once a month, but only buy little things, because i don't like it...
Clàudia:I love going shopping, i go twice a week.
Cristina i Gemma: WooW!!! Really? I so much!!! hahah
Clàudia: Yes, thats true. So, what about you?
Cristina: I like go shopping, but sometimes.
Gemma: Ok. What's the next question?
Cristina: The next question is......
dijous, 3 de febrer del 2011
Bojan Krkic
I used a powerpoint with images.
I spend 2 minutes or more.
-Body lenguage:
I sometimes looked at the audience and moved a bit.
I read a little
I organized my ideas in order. First I explain the last seasons and then the current season. I also put some pictures.
I found some things of the each season but i knew a lot of his.
The grammar was good but i was very nervious.
The vocabulary wasn't very rich.
I pronunced the words good but i made a mistake.
-Cristina Comalat: He talked about Justin Bieber. Justin was born on first of March. He is a singer. Cristina will go to de concert. The presentation was very good.
-Clàudia Düthman: She talked about Katty Perry. She is a singer. She love clothes. Clàduia's powerpoint was very interesting and she prepared a lot the presentation.
-Arnau Illa: He talked about Nail Amstrong. He is the first men went to the moon. The presentation was very long but Arnau prepared a lot. Was a very good presentation.
-Ferran Illa: He talked about Roger Federer. He was born in Switzerland. He won 5 Open Australia. Ferran was very nervious. The presentation was short but was good.
-Clara Llavari: She talked about Michael Jackson. He started sing with Jackson five. He was the king of pop.
The presentation was short but it was interesting.
Jordi Marias: He talked about Julian Assange. He is a haker. He created Wikileakes. Jordi made a mistakes.
The presentation was good.
Júlia Masó: He talked about Xavi Hernández. His dream was played with the first team of Barça. The presentation was very good.
Andreu Mayolas: He talked about Velàzquez. He was a painter. He grow up in Madrid. He painted "las Meninas". Andreu said a lot "a a a" But the presentation was good.
-Adam: He talked about Iniesta. He was born in fuentealbilla. He play with Barça. Adam didn't use the powerpoint. He read a lot!
-Albert Quintanas:He talked about Kobe Bryant. He is a basketplayer. He play with Lakers. The presentation was good.
-Francesc Rigau: He talked about Alexander the Great. His mother name was Olimpya. The presentation was very good.
-Albert Roca: He talked about Emmanuel Adebayor. He played with Arsenal. Now he play with Madrid. Albert spoke very fast, but it was ok. Good presentation.
-Cristina Ros: She talked about David Guetta. He was born in Paris. His famous songs are memories, sexy bitch... it was short but it was ok.
-Pau Solà: He talked about John Terry. He play with Chelsea. He is a famous football player. The presentation was very good.
-Quim Solés: He talked about David Guetta. He is freanch DJ. He colaborated with Rihanna, Madonna, Akon, Black Eye Peads... The presentation was good.
- Carla Tortós-Sala: She talked about Ricky Rubio. He have 1 brother and 1 sister. He is a basketplayer. He played with DKV and now with Barça. The presentation was good.
-Ferran Veciana: He talked about George Washington. He was the first president in The United States. He died in 1799.
-Marina Casals: She talked about Brad Pitt. He is an actor. His wife is Angelina Jolie. They have 6 soons. It was very good presentation.
-Ivet Sànchez: She talked about Julia Roberts. She is an actress. She played violin. She did Pretty Woman, Valentine's Day... She had twins. Ivet read a little but was a interesting presentation.
-Cèlia Romans: She talked about Michael Jackson. He was the king of pop. The presentation was long and Cèlia read a lot.
I used a powerpoint with images.
I spend 2 minutes or more.
-Body lenguage:
I sometimes looked at the audience and moved a bit.
I read a little
I organized my ideas in order. First I explain the last seasons and then the current season. I also put some pictures.
I found some things of the each season but i knew a lot of his.
The grammar was good but i was very nervious.
The vocabulary wasn't very rich.
I pronunced the words good but i made a mistake.
-Cristina Comalat: He talked about Justin Bieber. Justin was born on first of March. He is a singer. Cristina will go to de concert. The presentation was very good.
-Clàudia Düthman: She talked about Katty Perry. She is a singer. She love clothes. Clàduia's powerpoint was very interesting and she prepared a lot the presentation.
-Arnau Illa: He talked about Nail Amstrong. He is the first men went to the moon. The presentation was very long but Arnau prepared a lot. Was a very good presentation.
-Ferran Illa: He talked about Roger Federer. He was born in Switzerland. He won 5 Open Australia. Ferran was very nervious. The presentation was short but was good.
-Clara Llavari: She talked about Michael Jackson. He started sing with Jackson five. He was the king of pop.
The presentation was short but it was interesting.
Jordi Marias: He talked about Julian Assange. He is a haker. He created Wikileakes. Jordi made a mistakes.
The presentation was good.
Júlia Masó: He talked about Xavi Hernández. His dream was played with the first team of Barça. The presentation was very good.
Andreu Mayolas: He talked about Velàzquez. He was a painter. He grow up in Madrid. He painted "las Meninas". Andreu said a lot "a a a" But the presentation was good.
-Adam: He talked about Iniesta. He was born in fuentealbilla. He play with Barça. Adam didn't use the powerpoint. He read a lot!
-Albert Quintanas:He talked about Kobe Bryant. He is a basketplayer. He play with Lakers. The presentation was good.
-Francesc Rigau: He talked about Alexander the Great. His mother name was Olimpya. The presentation was very good.
-Albert Roca: He talked about Emmanuel Adebayor. He played with Arsenal. Now he play with Madrid. Albert spoke very fast, but it was ok. Good presentation.
-Cristina Ros: She talked about David Guetta. He was born in Paris. His famous songs are memories, sexy bitch... it was short but it was ok.
-Pau Solà: He talked about John Terry. He play with Chelsea. He is a famous football player. The presentation was very good.
-Quim Solés: He talked about David Guetta. He is freanch DJ. He colaborated with Rihanna, Madonna, Akon, Black Eye Peads... The presentation was good.
- Carla Tortós-Sala: She talked about Ricky Rubio. He have 1 brother and 1 sister. He is a basketplayer. He played with DKV and now with Barça. The presentation was good.
-Ferran Veciana: He talked about George Washington. He was the first president in The United States. He died in 1799.
-Marina Casals: She talked about Brad Pitt. He is an actor. His wife is Angelina Jolie. They have 6 soons. It was very good presentation.
-Ivet Sànchez: She talked about Julia Roberts. She is an actress. She played violin. She did Pretty Woman, Valentine's Day... She had twins. Ivet read a little but was a interesting presentation.
-Cèlia Romans: She talked about Michael Jackson. He was the king of pop. The presentation was long and Cèlia read a lot.
dimecres, 2 de febrer del 2011
Banana shoes
Winter is fun!
A biography
Bojan Krkic is a football player. He was born on 24th August 1990, in Linyola (Catalonia). He grew up in Linyola but he spend much time in Barcelona.
Bojan started to play footba
ll when he was 4 in Linyola. He joined Barça in 1999, he joined the Benjamin A. When he was 16 in 2006 he debuted with the firs team of FC Barcelona. His famous match was in 2007 in the Under-17 European Championship with the Spanish team that won the title and he scored the only goal. Another important match with the selection of Catalonia against Honduras. He scored two goals and he heeped for the other goals. Bojan is a fast and skilfull football player.
Bojan is 20 and still has a lot to do.
Bojan Krkic is a football player. He was born on 24th August 1990, in Linyola (Catalonia). He grew up in Linyola but he spend much time in Barcelona.
Bojan started to play footba

Bojan is 20 and still has a lot to do.
divendres, 28 de gener del 2011
A brabe rescue

The rescue happened while we were in St.Antoni the Calonge last August. It was really exiting and I was lucky to get a photo of it.
I was with my parents and we were in a beach, we were sunbathing on the sand, when we saw people shouting on the water.
There were 2 mans, 2 womans, and 4 children shouting. The big wave was coming from the end of the sea. A rescurs in a beach chair was watching, he catching four floats and he went to the water.
A woman took her son and left the water. But the other people were staying in the water. The rescuers gave the floats to 2 children and the others to a woman and a man. The people went out of the water and were moved away from the wave. He was very brave because the wave was very big and dangerous.
A memorable day
I remember last Christmas on 26th of December. It was year ago.
It was a very memorable day.
First, we went to my granparent's house. At 12 o'clock we went together to "cagar el tió" a catalan tradition. After that we went to a dining room. W had lunch there and finished eating at 4 o'clock. Finally at about 7 o'clock I went home.
At Christmas there were my parents, my cousins, my uncles, my aunt, my grandparents and I. I remember my uncle and my cousin clearly because after lunch they slept in the sofa. It was a really fun day and I felt very happy.
It was a very memorable day.
First, we went to my granparent's house. At 12 o'clock we went together to "cagar el tió" a catalan tradition. After that we went to a dining room. W had lunch there and finished eating at 4 o'clock. Finally at about 7 o'clock I went home.
At Christmas there were my parents, my cousins, my uncles, my aunt, my grandparents and I. I remember my uncle and my cousin clearly because after lunch they slept in the sofa. It was a really fun day and I felt very happy.
dilluns, 17 de gener del 2011
Compare ideas for a present
Cristina: How long will you be Gemma? Can we go now?
Gemma: No yet. I'm looking a poster for my cousin. She's into sport.
Cristina: Can I see it?
Gemma: Yes. What do you think of this?
Crsitina: It's Ok. I like one of Bojan.
Gemma: Really? Or this one of Piqué?
Crsitina: I like more the first because the poster is bigger than other.
Gemma: Yes, i think you're right. Thanks Cristina.
Gemma: No yet. I'm looking a poster for my cousin. She's into sport.
Cristina: Can I see it?
Gemma: Yes. What do you think of this?
Crsitina: It's Ok. I like one of Bojan.
Gemma: Really? Or this one of Piqué?
Crsitina: I like more the first because the poster is bigger than other.
Gemma: Yes, i think you're right. Thanks Cristina.
Express interest
G: Woow!! Is that your photo, Cristina?
C: Yes, do you like it?
G: Yeah. Where were you jumped with parachute.
C: It was on my holidays in Australia.
G: Really? Why were you doing that?
C: Because my and my brother would liked to tryied the experience.
G: Did you like it?
C: Yes, it was amazing and a great experiencie.
G: Well, it's a great photo. You're very dare person! HAHA
C: Yes, do you like it?
G: Yeah. Where were you jumped with parachute.
C: It was on my holidays in Australia.
G: Really? Why were you doing that?
C: Because my and my brother would liked to tryied the experience.
G: Did you like it?
C: Yes, it was amazing and a great experiencie.
G: Well, it's a great photo. You're very dare person! HAHA
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