ACTIVITIES 1. What do you know about Mark Twain? He was worn in 18352. Write a summary of each chapter. Add images/videos...
Aunt Polly ordered to Tom to paint the fence.He doesn't liked and finally his friends do it for him.
First Tom was in the church but he bought a little beetle in his pocket, and he left it go. There was a little dog and it barked.After that the beetle bit the dog's nose.the dog started run after tha black beetle and all the people laughted silently.After that Tom going to sunday schooland he met huck with a dead cat. Huck convinced Tom to go to the cementery.Tom go to sunday school and the teacher was ungry with him because he was late again.Tthere was a new Student, Becky Thatcher.Tom was in love this moment, the girl was so beautuful. CHAPTER 3:First there were three more people in the cementery, the boys though they were ghosts. After then they descovered, they were humans, Muff Potter, Injun Joe and Dr Robinson. Injun Joe wanted more money from the Dr. Robinson, but he didn't give it. Injun Joe and Dr.Robinson started fought and finally Injun Joe killed Dr. Robinson, with the Muff Potter's knife. And he belived faith who killed Dr. Robinson was Muff Potter.CHAPTER 4:The sheriff put Muff Potter in the jail because he found Muff Potter's knife near the doctor's body.Tom and huck promise that they didn't say anythig about what happened in the graveyard.Huck, Joe and Tom wanted to be pirats and they went to Jackson's Island.All the people in the town though they were dead and the day of the funeral, they apeared in the church.All the people celebrateda party, because they were there.
One day Tom and Huck decided to visited Muff in the jail.They gave to him some things to eat.Muff Potter was very happy.Everyone in the village went to Muff poter's trial, Injun Joe too. The surprise was when the lawyer asked Tom what happend and Tom say the thrut.He told the story and the people of St.Petersburg listened to him. Everyone were surprised.Suddenly in the trial they heard a noise.It was Injun Joe when he jumped out of the window. The next days Tom and Huck were scared about Injun Joe.
Firt Tom and Huck wanted to find a treasure in the haunted house. The haunted house was an old, lonly and strange place. Then Tom and Huck listened two mens: Injun Joe and Spanish man, and the two mans had a treasure. Finally they hid the treasure under the black cross.
CHAPTER 7:It was Becky Tatcher's birthday on Saturday. A big boat took Becky, Tom , and few friends of them, and the children went to visit McDougal's Cave. Some children were afraid but they all went in.nobody knem nothing about this cave. The children ran in the tunnels and in the rooms. But always near the entrance. Tom and Becky wanted to find a new tunnels and they delved in the cave. After a while they were lost!! The boat left without them because they thougth they had gone. Huck wanted to find the treasure of Injun Joe . He hid behind a tree and watched and old house. Injun Joe was in this house.CHAPTER 8:Tom was in a dark tunnel, and he saw a light. Then he saw a man, Injun Joe. Tom was very scared. Injun Joe didn't see Tom. On Tuesday, St. Petersburg was worried, because Tom and Becky were lost. They returned it in St.Petersburg on Tuesday night. Tom explained the story about his adventure in the cave. Mr.Teatchre an Tom retourn to the cave and they found the treasure box. They opened it and they saw the gold and silver coins. Then they went to Aunt Polly's house. They grave her the treasure box, she opened it and she looked at all the silver and gold coins. There was $12.000! Now Tom and Huck were rich and famous in St. Petersburg.
3. Write a description of the main characters. Tom: Was a principal character and was friendly and funny Injun Joe: Was a evil character and was a guilty of murdering Dr.Robinson Muff Potter: Was a good character and is accused of murdering Dr. Robinson Becky: Was a new classmates in school and she was love Tom Swayer.4. SPEAKING:Podcasting Option A : Reading the summaries. Option B: Find your favourite scene and podcast it in pairs.5. Write your group summary in Tom Sawyer's wiki