dimecres, 30 de novembre del 2011
Walt Disney anniversary
The 5 December 2011 is the 110th anniversary of the birth of Walt Disney. did you know that Disney based his famous character Mickey Mouse on his pet mouse?
Maroon 5

dimecres, 16 de novembre del 2011
Gemma: A party was a great idea, Cristina
Cristina: Yes, thanks. I'm looking forward to do it.
Cristina: Well, we've got enough music, but there isn't much food.
Gemma: Shall I get few breads and hamburgers?
There's a shop near here.
Cristina: Would you mind?
Gemma: No, that's OK.
Cris: Thanks Gemma. Could you get some hot dogs too? And we need some frizzy drinks.
Gemma: Ok, no problem. I'll see what they've got.
Gemma: Shall I get few breads and hamburgers?
There's a shop near here.
Cristina: Would you mind?
Gemma: No, that's OK.
Cris: Thanks Gemma. Could you get some hot dogs too? And we need some frizzy drinks.
Gemma: Ok, no problem. I'll see what they've got.
dimecres, 9 de novembre del 2011
Sleepy Hollow
Headles: sense cap
Volíeu dir: solucionar
knight: cavaller
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Traducció català > anglès
Pale skin:
Dull: Avorrit
Loyal: Lleial
Stepmother: madrastra
Skull: crani
Murder: assassinat
Inheritance: herència
Ichabod Crane: was the inspector, who tried to solve the mysterious of the headless knight.
He had a black hair, pale skin, brown eyes. He was tall and sometimes was brave but often he was afraid.
Katrina Vas Tassel: She was the daughter of Sir Baltus Van tassel.
She was very beautiful and mysterious. He had a brown hair and long blond hair.
Lady Van Tassel: She was the wife of Baltus Van tassel and the stepmother of Katrina. she was selfish, two-faced and in the end of the film we can discovered the secret of the lady.
Headless horseman: he was the knight who killed a lot of people because he need recuperated his head.
On 1799, Inchabot Carne, a detective, he went to Sleppey Hollow, because he must solved a misterious of the headless knight.
Baltus Van Tassel explained to Incabot the murders of 3 people, who they didn't found the head.
On the film we can see a headless man who ride a horse and killed the people.
Inchabot and Jove Masbath, tried to slove the misterious of the knight. dimecres, 2 de novembre del 2011
Originally Halloween was a pagan festival, around the idea of linking the living with the dead, when contact became possible between the spirits and the physical world, and magical things were more likely to happen. Like most pagan festivals, long ago it was absorbed into the festivals of the expanding Christian church, and became associated with All Hallows Day, or All Saints Day, which eventually fell on November 1.
The celebration of Halloween survived most strongly in Ireland. It was an end of summer festival, and was often celebrated in each community with a bonfire to ward off the evil spirits. Children would go from door to door in disguise as creatures from the underworld to collect treats, mainly fruit, nuts and the like for the festivities. These were used for playing traditional games like eating an apple on a string or bobbing for apples and other gifts in a basin of water, without using your hands. Salt might be sprinkled on the visiting children to ward off evil spirits. Carving turnips as ghoulish faces to hold candles became a popular part of the festival, which has been adapted to carving pumpkins in America.
The day is often associated with the colours black and orange, and is strongly associated with symbols like the jack-o'-lantern. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes and attending costume parties, ghost tours, bonfires, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.
in your blogs...
WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT HALLOWEEN?It's a funny holiday about spirits, ghost, witch.... They celebrated on October 31. When and where is it celebrated?it's celebrated on 31th of October in UK and USA.
Is it a religious celebration?No, it isn't
What does the word 'Halloween' mean?The name Halloween is a contraction of All Hallows Even, meaning the day before All Hallows Day, a Catholic holiday commemorating Christian saints and martyrs observed since the early Middle Ages on November 1.
Name 2 typical games
-Dunking or apple bobbing which apples float in a tub or a large basin of water and the participants must use their teeth to remove an apple from the basin. A variant of dunking involves kneeling on a chair, holding a fork between the teeth and trying to drop the fork into an apple.
-Skeleton Scavenger Hunt Have kids roam the yard or the house on the hunt for skeleton parts (cut from paper, or plastic ones purchased from a toy store or craft shop). For an extra challenge, see if the party guests can reassemble their bony treasures into a complete skeleton set.
When did it become a dangerous celebration?Why?The celebration of Halloween survived most strongly in Ireland. It was an end of summer festival, and was often celebrated in each community with a bonfire to ward off the evil spirits.
how do people celebrate it today?Children go in costume from house to house, asking for treats such as candy or sometimes money, with the question, "Trick or treat?" The word "trick" refers to a (mostly idle) "threat" to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given. In some parts of Scotland children still go guising. In this custom the child performs some sort of trick, i.e. sings a song or tells a ghost story, to earn their treats.
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