dilluns, 11 de juny del 2012

Món divers


" I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character"

He wants to say that his childrens in the future, one day they will live in a place where the colour of the people don't matter.

He was an American clergyman and prominent leader in the African-American civil Rights Movement. He is best know for his role in the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world.  
His famous speech was: I have a dream and it inspired millions of people throughout the world.
He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

dimarts, 5 de juny del 2012

Plot of Tom Sawyer

Plot Summary
One night , Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are buring a cat in the cemetery. There's a superstition that says by doing this, your wartswill disapper... There, hidden in the bushes they see how Indian JOe kills the local doctor. To carry out his crime, Joe, a vilent and cunning man, uses the knife of his accomplice Muff Potter, the local drunk. Then he puts the weapon in Muff's hand. Muff is lying unconscious after the fight, so he doesn't see what Indian JOe has doen. When the drunk wakes up, Joe makes him believe that he has committed the crime, and the following day Muff is arrested. Will TOm reveal the truth?

Tom Sawyer


The author spent his childhood in a little town next to the river Mississippi and he left school when he was 12 years old. He was a typographer, stemboat pilot, and a gold digger, before becoming the most famous American writer of his time.
1835: Samuel Langherne Clemens is born in Florida, Missouri (USA)
1839: The family moves to Hannibal, a town on the banks of the Mississippi.
1847: His father dies and Sam leaves school to work as a typographer in several printer's from New York to Philadelphia.
1857: He decides to become a steamboat pilot.
1861: The American Civil War begins. Sam goes West.
1862: For a short time he works as a gold digger. He writes articles for a smal newspaper in Virgina City (California)
1863: He begins to sign his articles under the pseudonym Mark Twain and works as a reporter on the Call, in San Francisco.
1867: He visits Europe and the Holy Land
1869: His book The innocents Abroad is a great success
1870: He marries Olivia Langdon with whom he has a son that dies at a very early age and two daughters.
1876: The Aventures of Tom Sawyer is published
1884: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is published.
1894: After a disastrous investment, he loses all his money. To rai9se more money he goes on a tour giving conferences all round the world.
1904: His wife Olivia dies.
1910: Mark Twain dies in Redding

Summary of Dracula

Jonathan Harker, a young notary, goes to Transylvania to negotiate a sale with Count Dracula. It doesn't take him long to discover his host's terrible secret: Dracula is a vampire that goes out at night to quench his thirst for human blood.
When he arrives in England, Dracula chooses as hsi vistim Lucy, who is a friend of Mina, Jonathan's fiancé. Luch bleeds to death.
Will Jonathan Harker, Mina and the condescending professor Van Helsing manage to defeat the vampire? The novel appears as dossier of letters and parts of the diaries of each of different characters.


Bram Stoker:

Mysterious and tormented: that's what we know about Bram Stoker, the creator of Dracula. And, indeed, that is how he must have been to imagine such a bloodthirsty creature. 104 years later, the author is perhaps not so well rembembered but Dracula is certainly still as famous as ever. It's a cae of character that has "eliminated" its author!
1847: Bram Stoker is born in Clontarf (Dublin).
1867: He goes to uniuversity
1876: He meets the actor Henry Irving in the Royal Theatre in Dublin
1878: He marries Florence Balcomb, whom he meets at the home of the parents of the famous writer Oscar Wilde. He starts working as a stage manager in the Lyceum Theater in London.
1882: Publicitation of this first book of stories.
1883: Lyceum Theatre American tour. He meets the American poet, Walt Whitman.
1890: He meets professor Arminius Vambery, and joins a secret society. Publication of his first novel, The Snake Pass.
1894: Publication of stories.
1895: Publication of the novel The Shoulder of Shasta
1897: Pulbication of Dracula. First and only representation of the theatrical adaptation of Dracula.
1905: Henry Irving dies
1911: Publication of the novel The Lair of the White Worm.
1912: He dies on the 21st of April.
1915: Publication of short posthumous novels, amongst wich we can find Dracula's Guest.