dissabte, 26 de març del 2011

Talk about plans and arrangments

Gemma: Clàudia.... Cristina
Clàudia: Yes? Oh, hi Gemma
Gemma: Are you doing anything this evening?
Clàudia: I'm busy. I'm going to go to my best friends pary.
Gemma: That's ok. And you Cristina? Are you free?
Cristina: Yes, I'm free this evening. Why?
Gemma: because i'm going to the cinema.
Cristina: Yes great!!!!!! What time does it start?
Gemma: it's on at seven o'clock in the Banyoles cinema.
Cristina: ok. see you then! Bye?
Clàudia: Bye i'm going because i'm late
Gemma: Bye see you later!

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