dimecres, 13 d’abril del 2011

Help when ther's a problem

Gemma: Cristina! What's happened? Are you Ok?
Cristina: No, I've broken my elbow
Gemma: You need to visit the school nurse
Cristina: Ok. Would you like to come with me, please
Gemma: Yes, of course, come on!
Clàudia: hi girls, can i help you?
Gemma: She felt dancing
Cristina: I think i've broken my elbow
Clàudia: Leet me se.... I'm going to clean it and put a bandadge. Mm... I've finish
Crsitina: oh, thanks. Now i'm feeling better.
Gemma: When will she dance again?
Clàudia:Next week will ok.
Gemma: ok, thanks
Cristina: Thanks

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