dimecres, 19 d’octubre del 2011

My best friend

Clàudia and I are friends. Clàudia lives far from me, but we live in the same town. She lives in a modern house. We go to the same school and the same class.
Clàudia is 14 years old. She is shameful, friendly, responsible, tall and she's got long blond hair. The good things about her is that she's funny, I can talk a lot of things with her and she keeps my secret, although she can also be stubborn, sometimes, and she isn't very athletic.
Clàudia is funniest and happiest when she's chatting, joking or meeting friends. She likes going out and meeting other people. In our town there's a lake and we often go walking around there. she also like shopping, and sometimes we go together.

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