dimecres, 9 de novembre del 2011

Sleepy Hollow


Headles: sense cap

knight: cavaller

Pale skin:
Dull: Avorrit
Loyal: Lleial
Stepmother: madrastra
Skull: crani
Murder: assassinat
Inheritance: herència


Ichabod Crane: was the inspector, who tried to solve the mysterious of the headless knight. 
He had a black hair, pale skin, brown eyes. He was tall and sometimes was brave but often he was afraid. 
Katrina Vas Tassel: She was the daughter of Sir Baltus Van tassel. 
She was very beautiful and mysterious. He had a brown hair and long blond hair. 
Lady Van Tassel: She was the wife of Baltus Van tassel and the stepmother of Katrina. she was selfish, two-faced and in the end of the film we can discovered the secret of the lady.
Headless horseman: he was the knight who killed a lot of people because he need recuperated his head.

On 1799, Inchabot Carne, a detective, he went to Sleppey Hollow, because he must solved a misterious of the headless knight.
Baltus Van Tassel explained to Incabot the murders of 3 people, who they didn't found the head. 
On the film we can see a headless man who ride a horse and killed the people. 
Inchabot and Jove Masbath, tried to slove the misterious of the knight.

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