dimarts, 28 de febrer del 2012

Bruno Mars

Peter Gane Hernández known as Bruno Mars, was born in Hawaii in 1985. He's been involved in music world since he was 2 years old, when he participated in different musical shows. When he finished the secondary obligatory, he decided to went in L.A to continue his musical career. Bruno began writing songs for a bans, and join groups like The Smeezingtons.
His big break came in 2009, when he signed with Atlantic Records, and he was known as individual music. He was recognized for writing Nothin' on You, Billionarie, Right Round, Wavin Flag, Fuck You...
Since the Bruno has had a very successful solo career. He recorded his first CD in 2010, his most famous song is Just The Way You Are (my favourite) He was nominated 7 Grammy's

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